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Appointments are preferred to give you the best, most efficient experience possible. Non urgent walk in appointments need to be worked in between scheduled appointments, so may have extended wait times. If an emergency happens, we do take day time emergencies and urgent care exams.
No, there is no standard office call fee for just “walking in the door”. There is an exam fee based on the type of visit your pet needs.
These are referred to the following hospitals:
North Central Veterinary Emergency Center (Westville)
(219) 785-7300
VCA Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Center of Kalamazoo
(269) 381-5228
NIVES-Northeast Indiana Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital
(260) 426-1062
Yes, we greatly appreciate the sacrifice that our service men and women and their families make for us. Active duty or veterans and their immediate family receive 10% savings on all services and in hospital products. Wellness programs are discounted 5% as they already have savings associated with them.
The American Animal Hospital Association is a national organization that has many roles in furthering veterinary medicine. One of those is an accreditation process for veterinary clinics. Achieving accreditation gives our clients a level of expectation of excellence in service and standards of medical care. Noahs Landing has been accredited for over 55 years!